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St. Malachy's PS and Nursery, Camlough, Newry


1st Dec 2022

Yesterday, we had our Cake and Bun Sale and delighted to report that a tremendous £907.78 and €51.60 was raised for Northern Ireland Hospice as part of their ‘Kindness Counts’ Campaign.  This fantastic amount would not have been possible without the wonderful and generous contributions of buns and cakes from staff, parents and grandparents and the children who brought in the money to buy them.  Special word of thanks to the boys and girls in Primary 6, 6/7 and 7 who made posters and helped out at the bun sale; they are a credit to the school. As Christmas approaches the spirit of generosity and goodwill is very much alive and kicking in St.Malachy’s, Camlough.  Enjoy watching the video from yesterday and once again, many thanks to everyone involved!