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St. Malachy's PS and Nursery, Camlough, Newry

Attendance at St Malachy's

21st Nov 2017

As stated in our Pastoral Care Policy and Attendance Policy ‘parents are asked to phone the school on the first day of absence and inform the school as to why the child is absent and expected length of absence.  Please confirm this with a written note when your child returns to school’.  Unfortunately, many parents are not doing this which means the school has to text/ring the parents of those pupils who have not arrived.  It would be appreciated if parents could reply to the text or call. 

We would like to remind you that we will be notifying parents/carers by letter if their child’s attendance falls below 90%.  Parents may also be invited to a meeting with the EWO to discuss their child’s attendance.  Of course, if your child is genuinely unwell we do not expect him/her to attend school.  In order to improve attendance we would strongly discourage parents from taking pupils on holidays during term time.  The school will not provide work for children to take on holidays.

It is important that you notify the school if you change your home, mobile or work telephone numbers.

Please continue to check your child’s head every week.